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Surgery and Anaesthesia

The theatre environment is a complex place, with risks to patients and staff if not addressed appropriately. As a clinician, it can be stressful having a non-medically trained person in this environment. Jon works in theatre every day, and is well placed to understand when and where it is appropriate to take photographs, and how best to do it. 
His work in this area has featured in internationally distributed educational material and masters programs at University college hospital London, as well as prints displayed locally at hospitals such as The Whittington London. Please visit instagram for some mini-series combining art and education @drjdwilliamson.

Of course all his imagery is taken when Jon is not working in his capacity as the Anaesthetist.

© 2019 J D Williamson
Instagram @drjdwilliamson 

Copyright Jon Williamson @drjdwilliamson

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