Photo Documentary
Covid 19
This project aims to utilise skills in sensitive and safe medical photography, to document the extraordinary events and challenges faced in a London District General Hospital.
Images have been widely published, as well as one being shortlisted for the BPJ Portrait of humanity Vol 3 prize. Please visit the 'news' section for links to publications.
The time window to take photos is limited in hospitals, when shooting in a conscientious manner. This creates numerous challenges. Patient care cannot be interrupted or delayed, and opportunities to photograph are short. Hospital lighting is varied and often poor; the use of flash is often disruptive and therefore it was avoided. A Nikon Z series was used as a hand held SLR for this series. No extra equipment was used, as this could increase the risk of contamination.
Below feature a sample of images from this series.
All Images Copyright of J D Williamson. To request permissions or enquire further about this work please use Contact Section. All photographs have been taken with full consent of subjects.

© 2019 J D Williamson
Instagram @drjdwilliamson